Friday, March 13, 2015

AAR: Follow me Boys!

Fighting is not just a contest of DPS, repair power, EWar, but also of positioning and leaning the fight towards your terms and not your enemies' terms. The center of this fight focused on this: choosing an environment to suit us and not them.

We were looking at Isogen 5, who we had fought before (in that instance we had again forced them to fight on our terms), and we attempted to gank a Phantasm of theirs that was running a gas site. We missed the kill so we warped back to the exit hole. As we landed though we hit bubbles that a Sabre had placed, which delayed our return to the hole. We made it through without incident as an 5 Ishtars, a Gila, a Cerberus and two Scimitars landed in pursuit. Now, they had 2 T2 Logistics ships while we only had a single T1, so we expected that the fight was basically over, and we would return to the high sec exit. Not so, the FC turned us elsewhere.

Follow me Boys!
The C3 was a Wolf-Rayet effect, which bonused us and nerfed them. They followed, itching for a fight. They were dropping so fast, being forced to jump quickly or getting vaporized before they had the chance to. We killed two Ishtars on the C3 side but loss a Curse and our Logistic and a Gila plus Sabre on C2 side.

It just goes to show you that environment plays an important part of a fight, especially in wormholes with the system effects. Good fight Isogen 5, better luck next time!

Total Killed: 882 mill
Total Lost: 365 mill


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