Friday, November 7, 2014

AAR: Its Raining Isogen

With our last encounter with Isogen 5, we got into a classic standoff where one side would be slaughtered if they jumped into the other, and both sides knew it. This time, we got them in the chain again, but instead of being directly connected, we had a single C5 in between us, and it had a Wolf-Rayet effect. We form up about 5 DPS ships and a Jamgu with two Guardians hidden elsewhere. It takes a little time for Isogen to warm up and get something suitable to fight us, which probably involved alot of dual boxing. To keep us entertained they took some frigates out and chatted to us in local a bit and tryed to get a little frigate pew. We were stubborn though and we felt a need to blow up multi-billions, whether it was our own ISK or someone else's ISK. In the end they formed up in their POS approximately 6 Legions, 2 Proteus, 2 Lokis, and a Jamgu, with 4 Guardians for Logistics. When they finally head out, they only bring 3 out of 4 of their Guardians.

Knowing out limitation of Logistics and EWar, we decide to force them to fight in our home system and not fight in the Wolf-Rayet, where they would have ridiculous amounts of armor buffer and would be near impossible to kill anyone before Logistics could reacquire lock and repair them. I decide to relinquish control of the fleet to Ilaister instead and log in my Archon pilot to act as our Logistics as we try to get more people quickly. They have alot of DPS, but it was far below the bar they had to reach to break Triage reps. A few people scream as I bait tank with them (sorry Zeras), but it works out, and our jams eventually break the Guardian chain, and we got one kill from a Sacrilege that was off the hole. Was about a 7 minute fight judging by my Triage cycle, so I had about 3/4 of my Triage cycle to go through.

They seemed content to stay in the Wolf-Rayet, so at that point we had a choice, wait for them to make the move and see if they want to play us from last time and jump into us again, or we can jump my Archon in and see what we can make happen in the Wolf-Rayet. Before we make a choice though our scout in their home system sees 2 Naglfars and an Archon pop on DScan, jump into the Wolf-Rayet, and sit on the other side of the entrance into our home system. Now we send out a ping saying there are capitals to kill possibly and we get a few more people, and people start bringing their alts to party too. And so they jump into us.

Malcom Bilge > LETS PARTY

Now prior to when they jumped in I was fairly confident that two Naglfars would completely wreck my Archon with ease, so I asked an Alliance mate to bring their Archon as well to refit off of. It turns out though it was not a necessary action to take, as when they jumped their capitals in, only the Archon and one of the Naglfars made it though before the hole collapsed, leaving one Naglfar out of the picture. We bring in Dreads of our own, three of them to be precise, two Naglfars and a blap Moros. Guirdarr just focuses fire on the Archon, while the other two start trying to blap sub-capitals. Several sub-capitals die, and I start dual boxing with a Bhaalgorn and start neuting the Archon. It dies shortly afterwords, and the Naglfar follows.

Stjornuvindur > holy shit
Dan Hour > gf
Blodhgarm Dethahal > gf
Foedus Latro > gf
Ilaister > gf
Shaded Ruse Sukarala > gf dudes
Blodhgarm Dethahal > sorry for the blob :( may hav ebeen a bit overkill with all the capitals
Solidus Yanumano > gf
Foedus Latro > so like 3 dreads might have been a bit much
Malcom Bilge > yeaah
Foedus Latro > it's alright though.  o/
Sexy Carebear > we did think you were bringing another nag...
Ilaister > from our side?
Sexy Carebear > guess the hole closed...
Ilaister > :/
Zeras Allyndar > gf super stand-up fighting to the last.
Zezar kim > gf
Foedus Latro > sure
Inarii Prost > gf
Alysa Liz > gf
Balor Digenise > gf
Stjornuvindur > gf
Sexy Carebear > gf
Inarii Prost > first time dred pvp :D
Balor Digenise > me2
Balor Digenise > :)
Inarii Prost > next time bring fun into our home?
Blodhgarm Dethahal > deal
Stjornuvindur > /emote spits on palm
Foedus Latro > We expect another gf soon :)
Blodhgarm Dethahal > Bronya Boga's Frozen Corpse YES YES YES
Blodhgarm Dethahal > \o/
Blodhgarm Dethahal > op success

The fight was an interesting one, and could have gone much differently if they had the second Naglfar in. Judging by the Naglfar fit of the one we killed, most likely it was similarly fit to blap sub-capitals, and it would have loaded grid somewhere completely different compared to the other Naglfar, making it hard to keep up transversal on at least one of them, which could have caused us to loose several sub-capitals.

But good fight and thanks for going balls deep Isogen 5, we will definitely return the favor the next time we run into you.

Battle Report

Blog Post From Other Side


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