Wednesday, October 15, 2014

AAR: Blap and Run

It is relatively early in the morning, so not a lot of people are on yet. It doesn't stop us from looking for pew though. So we send scouts out with our alts down various parts of the chain, some go through our static while I re-scan the backdoor C5 for new signatures. What I find is rather dull: all the old holes had died and all that is left is a low sec exit.

Just because it is a low sec though does not mean that a fight cannot be found. You can scan low for other connections back into wormholes, or you can pick a fight with the locals. Currently it looks like picking a fight with the locals seems the best bet since they currently have a 4 man gate camp out and about. I log in my alt in a Gila, Ilaister comes a Deimos to bait them into aggressing, Sexy brings an Onieros, and Andoi has a Pilgrim. We are know for our amazing fleet compositions. So Ilaister warps to the gate and tries to get them to agress on him, but it takes them 10 seconds to decide to warp off and dock up. I jump my Gila in and help Ilaister poke around the big system and act as a target to start off a fight. As we are doing that though, Sexy reports combat probes focusing in on him, which must be an odd sight to the scanner because Sexy appears to be a solo Onerios with no fleet, because everyone currently is in low sec or cloaked. Shortly after Sexy reporting this the combat probes disappear and a Sabre and Sleipnir appear.

As they land Ilaister jumps back into the wormhole while I hold steady in low sec. A Falcon lands as he jumps, which he forces to jump into low sec, and Andoi joins me in trying to tackle the Falcon. We force the Falcon back into the hole, while in the meantime Ilaister forced the Sabre to warp off. We also amazingly we re-tackle the Falcon on the wormhole side, where he is polarized, and so he dies. Now all we have left is the Sleipnir, and about four new guys who had just logged in and are formed up ready to give us backup if needed. The Sleipnir was clearly double XL ASB fit so he was tanking a hell of a lot of damage, but he knew he couldn't hold out forever, so he elects to jump into low sec to try to escape us instead. Unfortunately for him, Andoi was still there in his Pilgrim, and tackles him and forces him to jump back into us. At this point we call in the four extra guys we had to break the Sleipnir quickly, just in case he had enough charges to tank us long enough to jump again. He dies with a little effort.

Things quickly re-escalate though, as three Onerios land on grid accompanied by triple Rail Proteus and 1-2 Stratios. Our composition is still terrible for some of us, including me, so I run my Gila home to grab an Armageddon while Sexy in his solo Onerios tries to hold the field with the little DPS and EWar we have. The Stratios is almost always chasing his Onerios, forcing him to overheat his MWD to sustain his range. In the meantime, Liz is failing in his Falcon to jam the ECCM'd Onerioses, As I land back on grid we have like, two Proteus left holding grid, as Sexy had to warp off or risk getting caught as he had burnt out his MWD. Knowing we lacked the numbers to get a proper Logistic wing up in time plus the DPS and EWar to break their fleet, we decided to drop a Triage Archon to act as our Logistics. It was basically my job to neut out all the enemy Proteus so they couldn't shoot so we could hold the field until the Carrier landed. We were able to manage it, just barely, although it cost me the Armageddon.

As soon as the Archon lands we get more people who were refitting landing as well, now we have a solid presence on grid at the low sec hole. I refit to a Jamgu and reenter the fight to try to jam the Onerioses, but have worse luck than Liz did, but still, a combination of Damps and ECM can go a long way, and we are able to break a Vigilant. We are very wary that they came from a C5 connection, meaning they could bring their own capitals in at any moment to counter ours, but we accept that and keep trying to break the Onerios wing. The stakes escalated quickly though as an enemy Bhaalgorn landed on grid and thus posed a serious threat to not only our Triage but also our DPS, which was mostly Proteus. With no DPS we couldn't break them. Luckly, I had extra Amarr jams in my cargo, and refit off of our Archon from full Gallente to a mix of Amarr and Gallente, and keep the Bhaalgorn jammed. It works ok until we accidentally let him anchor a mobile depot and let him refit dual ECCM, which made him impossible to jam. With next to no DPS because of the neuts from the Bhaal and minimal EWar to break their Logistics, we decide to escalate it more: drop a blap Moros.

Aladar runs home to grab his, and a few minutes latter it is landed at zero on our Archon, which is approximately 20km off the Bhaalgorn. The thing instantly vaporizes as he locks it. After this I am unsure if it was just loss of confidence or if they were just surprised we dropped a Dread on them, but they start popping like flies, not even to Moros DPS in most cases. They extract off grid after popping several more people. With the battle won, we loot the field and prepare for extraction, since our way home was dead since we shoved two capitals through it, our only exit is the low sec we were fighting on. As we are waiting for the last scraps of loot and people to form up on the home though I see with my scout that Arctic Light is coming back, with arguably the perfect counter: 5 Guardians, 4 Armageddons, 1 Naglfar. There was no way we could handle that in any way, we didn't have the neuts to counter their Naglfar, and no where near the DPS to break 5 Logistics. So we just tip our hat, and jump out to low sec, closing the hole behind us.

Shame they hesitated on bringing the Dread though, if they had brought it while we were tackled with no escape we would have most likely lost both the Archon and the Moros. Good fight though overall, it was stalled for the majority of the fight and could have swung either direction, it just happened to tip in our direction once the Moros landed.


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