Sunday, August 10, 2014

AAR: And Thirds and Fourths

So several days after our two fights that were back to back, we rolled into them again, and wanted to fight again. They come at us with some kiting ships: Ishtar, Navy Vexor, Navy Omen, Cerberus, and a Shield Rail Thorax. They derp around on our static hole a bit and talk a little trash in local.

Niewidka > thats  the way  how u doing it  ;p
Kocurto III > och camon
Kocurto III > to big fish  or something ? ;p
Kocurto III > dont be pussies :p
Kocurto III > camon

We form up with ships that can project damage, not necessarily kite fit, but ships that can project well: Ishtars, Rail Proteus, Zealot plus some support. We warp in at appropriate ranges and engage popping the Navy Omen, an Cerberus, and their Thorax. And the Navy Vexor burns way off the hole, getting nearly 400km off the hole watching us. Got to say though, so glad we had links, 67km point overheated on my Rail Proteus allowed us to get both the Navy Omen and Cerberus. In the chaos all we lost was a Zealot. Was a good fight all in all.

Scout reports them shipping up though, two Guardians plus assorted T3/Ishtar DPS with an Armageddon. We decide to more or less keep our current fleet composition, just supplementing with a Carrier for repairs, which may have been overkill, but in the end the carrier did nothing anyway.

Was pretty standard, they jump into us, we shoot back. First casualty was a Hurricane of ours who died before Carrier landed on grid. The next one was one of their Guardians which got pinned down off the hole, which was their que to jump out. We anticipated this though, so we had a Devoter already in our static waiting for them with bubble up, it delayed them enough for us to get through and keep tackle. So now they are polarized and running off the hole while tackled. We elect not to jump the carrier through as that would put unnecessary mass on the hole plus we would quickly get out of rep range anyway as they were burning away as fast as possible. Its tricky maintaining tackle, as the Armageddon is capping us all out with his neuts, and they still have enough DPS to down one of our Ishtars before the Armageddon falls. The only thing more we were able to snag was a Loki before they all got out of tackle.

Was a good two fights, or I suppose four fights.


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