Thursday, September 11, 2014

AAR: Punching People In the Face Repeatedly is Fun

So, simple day in the beginning, decent high sec exit down the chain, mildly interesting backdoor low sec. Looks alright, except for the occupants of our static: SnaiLs aNd FroGs along with AdAstra and Gate Is Red. Lets just call them SAG.

So, SAG lives in a Pulsar, meaning we got to go with shield ships. Finally the perfect time to use my alt's Scimitar! Pretty basic fleet we form up: 2 Scimitars for Logistics, a 100mn Tengu to get their attention, a Shield Stratios (yeah..) as a scout, two Shield Ishtars, and a Malediction. Andoi goes in with his Tengu and lands about 70km off a small group of them camping their static. We come in, and both fleets start dancing around each other and kiting. Its a deadly dance, if one guy gets caught out of rep range hes dead, if someone gets webbed so they can't keep their distance they are dead. Multiple times long range neuts from their Curse neuted me out in my Scimitar, but thanks to the Pulsar's bonus to capacitor, I swear, I was regenerating like 10% of my capacitor per second. It was a drawn out fight, dragging it on nearly 300km from the wormhole, but it amounted to nothing, and SAG warped off, and as they did, so did we back home to ping for more bodies and form up better. Only kills were two interceptors in exchange for one of our own interceptors.

We ping, we get formed up slightly better this time: still two Scimitars but with four Shieldtars, two Gilas, a Curse, an Eagle, a Huginn, and a Sleipnir. We have a few enemy Ishtars in our home, but they quickly jump back and burn approximately 50km off the hole in our static (their home). After a little magic and some swearing, we get a good warp in spot on top of them. And so the fight begins.

Summary from video description: We also expected them to bring reinforcements, just not quite as many as they did. It was fun nonetheless. When we were warping off, we somehow thought they had a Chimera trying to close our hole. Thus, we freaked and tried to rush back in. Never was there ever a Chimera [there was, just on DScan though and our imaginations went wild it seemed]. I was dualboxing a bomber and my Ishtar once our primary fleet warped off the first grid. This, and a warp derp by a fellow ADAPT member [totally wasn't me], may be part of the reason that I now have this killmail [it was me]. - Galo Entie.

Reminds me, I should replace the rest of those implants when I have the ISK. Shame I am perpetually broke.

Battle Report, Static Side.
Battle Report, Home Side.

Was good fun. Good fight SAG.


Six hours latter after that fight, we take a greater interest in our back door low sec as the locals seem to be out and about. I'm not too interested at the time and take a quick shower, when I come back though we are in full war mode "I'm bringing my Kador Edition Abaddon, or maybe my Navy Armageddon" "I'm bringing my Vargur" "Bringing two T3s" "Two Guardians as Logi should be fine"

Shit... got... real...

Not exactly knowing what kind of shit got real other than the low sec inhabitants knew the entrance to our system, I grab a Blaster Proteus and throw my alt into his Archon and station it on our home side of the hole as back up if we have to retreat. We go in, and so the relentless punching begins.

First thing we notice is two Rattlesnakes at 50km from the hole, but we know it would be a long road to get out there, and why would we do that when there are plenty of targets in range anyway? Boom, dead Scythe, dead Cynabal, dead Cyclone, Scythe Fleet Issue, another Cyclone, a Megathron, Raptor. Oh you came back in a Navy Omen? Dead.

Cyno goes up 50km away, an Archon and Nidhoggur come in. We are just sitting there thinking, well, that is that then, but we decide to stick around anyway because they were still lacking DPS to crack our Guardian pair effectively. But either this Carriers were DPS fit, which is a hilarious thought to think about, or they did not have the skills to have their remote repairs reach 50km, as a good half of their fleet was doing: brawling us. Boom, dead Proteus (hey, I know that pilot, didn't we kill his Cynabal), boom, dead Gnosis (oh yeah that Megathron pilot). Oops, lost our Jamgu due to multiboxing. Boom, dead Raptor. Is that Machariel trying to bump us off the wormhole? Better stop that. BOOM HEADSHOT, (dammit Galo, had to come back in a bomber to whore, after getting both your battleships into hull). Another exploded ship, this time a Navy Hurricane, curtsy of COnan O'Brien (seriously dude, that's the third time, stop letting us punch you in the face repeatedly). Boom, dead Crow, Boom, dead Vexor.

And I guess the Machariel pilot got really butthurt or something since he came back in Naglfar. He gets one glancing blow on one of our Guardians that was in low armor (but holding) and pushes it into hull. It wasn't long after that he exploded. Now with the Guardian chain at last broken, we escape through our wormhole, pushing it verge.

Now this is one of those fights where I can't tell if it was us that were good, or they were just bad. They should have held the field EASILY with two carriers on grid, but hell, I'm not complaining. Its just a shame we didn't have a third Guardian around, otherwise we could have pushed outward towards the carriers and possibly kill them. We should have probably pinged, but once we were in the fight, damn we were in it.

Battle Report.

Good fight!


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