So a few weeks ago, we encountered a few Dreadnoughts that were killing Customs Offices in their home system. At the time, we figured we had just missed them due to bad luck and timing. Zeras didn't think so though. He thought they would continue bashing in a day or two to reinforce more POCOs (despite them already being set to 0% tax). And so he logs off a scouting alt in there and gets on early each day to scan the chain for entrances. It turns out its a good thing he did.
So a few days after we had our initial encounter with them, Zeras does his usual routine, scans early logs off, comes back several hours later. He comes back to a wonderful sight: a Revelation and a Moros reinforcing POCOs. We form up a bit, and burn over to the entrance system (me staying home thanks to my poor security status at the time being a hindrance). Three to four jumps out from the entrance though, both Dreadnoughts POS up and stop bashing. We get sad, but we hang around anyway just see if they may continue after a short break. After a little patience, we are rewarded with a Naglfar and two Archons plus a Loki logging in. With this comes one conclusion: they are about to run escalations.
Now standard procedure before starting sites is to close all current connections that your system has. This means that at best we would get a single capital kill, which would be fine for us, but seeing as they didn't close their connections before bashing POCOs means they are unlikely to close connections for sites as well. Indeed we are right, they warp to the site without even blinking at the connections.
I grab my alt in an Interceptor and burn to Jita to buy a ship, in this case a Jamgu, and meet up with the main fleet. Still unsure of our current composition though, we batphone Un.Bound, a group we had met earlier that day and tried to team up with against a bigger entity, but sadly nothing came of that since said entity all POSed and logged off. Now we invited them to join us this time, and this time content will be made.
It takes them nearly 20 minutes to get to the last escalation wave, but as the last Sleepless Guardian dies to their Dreads, we pounce. And so carnage ensues. It was a good day.
And thanks to Zeras for sticking it out for us and camping that hole and seeing that there was content to be generated. A well earned Content Creator tag on our TS.
GG, Good Gank.
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
AAR: Thou Shalt Brutally Murder
Been a delay in posts due to being busy, some of the next posts happened several weeks ago.
So I log in to be greeted by a small fleet of ours getting ready to storm into our backdoor C5 connection to Thou Shalt Not Kill. TSNK had an approximate 10 man mixed armor DPS gang with no Logistics in sight. We had an approximate 15 man gang with two Guardians in tow for Logistics in comparison. Even as we formed up, warped to hole, and jumped, they held their ground, which led us to suspect a trap. I mean, who takes a 10 man gang into a 50% bigger force that also has Logistics. We knew something was up, but we were vastly under prepared for how much they brought just for us.
As we jump into them, our Onyx (probably a bad choice for a Hictor in this case, with the armor Logistics and all) gets almost volleyed off the field. In the meantime though, the majority of their fleet jumped the hole into our home system, where we had just come from (except for that one Stabber Fleet). This meant that to follow them would mean that we are polarized and they would not be, thus they would be free to escape. So instead of following we decide to camp them and keep them in our home system. This is when the trap was sprung.
Lots of ships began appearing on DScan, T3 DPS mostly, with two Bhaalgorns and an Archon mixed in. To escape we are forced to jump back into our home system, where we are now polarized, and instantly tackled by the waiting 10 man initial group. The end result was a devastating slaughter of about 5 billion ISK. It was a brilliantly executed trap and well planned.
There was a silver lining to it all though: our newest recruit was trapped in TSNK's system with his Rail Proteus and was bouncing from safe spot to safe spot to avoid combat probes. Eventually he was caught, but not before killing two Covert Ops, an Interceptor, and a Sabre before his eventual, but spectacular, death. Our hero ♥.
Good trap TSNK, but you should probably watch your little guys better :)
So I log in to be greeted by a small fleet of ours getting ready to storm into our backdoor C5 connection to Thou Shalt Not Kill. TSNK had an approximate 10 man mixed armor DPS gang with no Logistics in sight. We had an approximate 15 man gang with two Guardians in tow for Logistics in comparison. Even as we formed up, warped to hole, and jumped, they held their ground, which led us to suspect a trap. I mean, who takes a 10 man gang into a 50% bigger force that also has Logistics. We knew something was up, but we were vastly under prepared for how much they brought just for us.
As we jump into them, our Onyx (probably a bad choice for a Hictor in this case, with the armor Logistics and all) gets almost volleyed off the field. In the meantime though, the majority of their fleet jumped the hole into our home system, where we had just come from (except for that one Stabber Fleet). This meant that to follow them would mean that we are polarized and they would not be, thus they would be free to escape. So instead of following we decide to camp them and keep them in our home system. This is when the trap was sprung.
Lots of ships began appearing on DScan, T3 DPS mostly, with two Bhaalgorns and an Archon mixed in. To escape we are forced to jump back into our home system, where we are now polarized, and instantly tackled by the waiting 10 man initial group. The end result was a devastating slaughter of about 5 billion ISK. It was a brilliantly executed trap and well planned.
There was a silver lining to it all though: our newest recruit was trapped in TSNK's system with his Rail Proteus and was bouncing from safe spot to safe spot to avoid combat probes. Eventually he was caught, but not before killing two Covert Ops, an Interceptor, and a Sabre before his eventual, but spectacular, death. Our hero ♥.
Good trap TSNK, but you should probably watch your little guys better :)
Sunday, September 14, 2014
AAR: Icecream Social
Note: lots of chat logs copy pasted, and none are edited for spelling, grammar, or similar. It's a true copy paste.
Its late night, I'm squatting in the POS eating an icecream cone while the other three guys go huff on some C320 Gas in the static. Suddenly they start talking about probes on DScan, as well as an Interdictor and an Ishtar. They warp off home and we discover that Blue-Fire had rolled into us and are now our back door. What begins is quite a bit of banter back and forth in local.
Belgann > Hello?
Belgann > Anyone home?
Belgann > pvp?
Blodhgarm Dethahal > I'm eating icecream!
Belgann > Your add sucked by the way.
Blodhgarm Dethahal > ofc it did
Blodhgarm Dethahal > do you not even know us?
Hera Chawla > no actually that's the only reason I recognized your name
Belgann > Nope, just an observation.
Blodhgarm Dethahal > well we suck. just putting it out there
Sexy Carebear > You came at the wrong time; we always do ice cream happy hour from 04-08 on Saturdays.
Belgann > wow
Sexy Carebear > unless you guys want to eat ice cream with us?
Shaded Ruse Sukarala > would you like some?
Sexy Carebear > it's an alliance ritual
Belgann > how are you going to recruit people if you don't pvp
Belgann > spend all that time on an add..
Sexy Carebear > we do; just not during ice cream happy hour
Blodhgarm Dethahal > I got some on my mic
dosthesaint > mmm ice cream
Shaded Ruse Sukarala > I dont know.. these guys seem to be a bunch of ice cream haters
Mighty Term > I don't think that's ice cream blood
Blodhgarm Dethahal > can't tell if masterbation joke or not
Blodhgarm Dethahal > besides.. its mint chip icecream
Neferiti > I think that came off your chin but it doesnt look like ice cream to me.......;)
Hera Chawla > heh, mintchip
Zlorthishen > lol
Blodhgarm Dethahal > you think mintchip icecream comes out of CCP Mintchip's tits?
Zlorthishen > she isn't in CCP anymore
Zlorthishen > dust ded
At this point I know they are bored and I am bored as well, so I grab an Enyo and see what I can make happen with their Worm, Ishtar and Onyx on their back door. I was hoping that I could draw the Worm out and kill it in a more or less 1v1, but I couldn't quite get tackle. He came within 11km of me but my scram only reached to 10km heated, if only I had links! I did manage to get out though, in 13% hull.
Blodhgarm Dethahal > gf
Sexy Carebear >
dosthesaint > gf
Blodhgarm Dethahal > gf
Blodhgarm Dethahal > so on that pic... whats the ratio of lipstick to icecream tasted
dosthesaint > we got guys headed to bed as well
Fellout > to be honest
Fellout > we just hate pocos
SoulRipper666 > they offend me
Sexy Carebear > no hard feels; we do too
Blodhgarm Dethahal > wait your bashing a POCO?
Fellout > >.>
Fellout > <.<
Sexy Carebear > we hate them so much we refuse to be on grid with them
Blodhgarm Dethahal > on a scale of one to your girlfriends how bored are you
Iris Sagitta > MFW no girlfriend
Blodhgarm Dethahal > damn
Blodhgarm Dethahal > should have guessed :P
Fellout > well, we were so terrible that 3 dictors couldn't catch your anathema scout
SoulRipper666 > >.<
Fellout > that we had no choice but to start shooting structures
Fellout > to sooth our rage
Hera Chawla > My girlfriends 10 hours away :/
Blodhgarm Dethahal > WTB sensor damp
Blodhgarm Dethahal > you guys have one?
Lakshata Chawla > I havea few in my pos
Lakshata Chawla > you should warp to it
SoulRipper666 > give him the wp
SoulRipper666 > pw*
Lakshata Chawla > c320
Zlorthishen > come to planet 6 poco and i'll drop you one
Lakshata Chawla > #320huffit
Blodhgarm Dethahal > so what goes in a mid slot with 26 CPU left
Blodhgarm Dethahal > I'm terrible plz halp
Iris Sagitta > eccm?
Fellout > sebo!
Iris Sagitta > what are you fitting?
Blodhgarm Dethahal > cap recharger it is!
SoulRipper666 > survey scanner
Iris Sagitta > \o/
Fellout > must be fitting a cap stable pve tengu
Shaded Ruse Sukarala > naw its a drake, even better
Blodhgarm Dethahal > gfgf
Lakshata Chawla > op success
Blodhgarm Dethahal > well.. I think I'm going to bed..
Fellout > op success
SoulRipper666 > \o/
Hera Chawla > us too
dosthesaint > we will be back for that poco
dosthesaint > o/
Blodhgarm Dethahal > good
Blodhgarm Dethahal > hopefully at a better time
Blodhgarm Dethahal > night.. cya around \o
And so we go to bed, after they had reinforced a POCO and nearly killed me twice. It would be an interesting day tomorrow though, with Blue-Fire involved again, as well as a few Lazers and Hawks.
I log in early next morning to discover Lazerhawks has replaced Blue-Fire as our backdoor, but Blue-Fire has moved from being our back door to our static. This is going to be a fun day. Lazerhawks currently has a 10-12 man gang on a back door null sec in our home. Lacking sufficient numbers to break their Logistics, we talk about bombing them and seeing if we can alpha through their Shield Ishtars before their two Scimitars can land repairs. Unfortunately, that plan is put on hold due to the simple fact that no one has any bombs, or even Bombers. A few people go out a Frigate Hole that leads to a C1 with a high sec connection to grab some Bombers. In the meantime, a few of us pull Lazerhawk's fur a bit, seeing if we can pop a separated Arazu before the rest of the fleet lands. That did not really work though.
Lazerhawks eventually gets bored of us, and retires back to their home system. Leaving us to continue scanning the static chain and have me keep an eye on the Hawks with an alt. We attempt to shotgun the null sec and see if we can grab some miners and ratters, unfortunately we had no luck at that. This left us to trying to fight Lazerhawks, in which we had minimal confidence of winning, but its the weekend, we had to get something big going. After nearly an hour of pinging for people to wake up, we get approximately 18 guys online (real people). Lets see what we can make happen.
The first 45 minutes or so are form up games. Lazerhawks has Shield Ishtars fitted up for kiting. We form up similar as best we can, but we don't fly shield often, and a lot of people lost shield ships last Sunday. After we form up Shield Kite they form up Shield brawl with HAMgus (or maybe Railgus, I did not look at the fit with my alt very closely). We decide to counter with our classic Kitchen Sink Armor Brawl doctrine. Bring everything, is it armor? bring it. Lazerhawks form up Armor Brawl as well, but with all T3s have 5 Guardians. We have three Guardian for Logistics, and a Falcon, 2 Jamgus, a Scorpion, knowing that we would have to neutralize their Logistic advantage to win. As for our DPS wing, well, as one Redditor said, "Jesus, you threw the entire kitchen at them." We have Blaster Proteus, Rail Proteus, Damnation, Navy Armageddon, Gnosis (which switched to Navy Vexor halfway through), Sacrilege, Muninn, everything that anyone could bring. In the meantime as this was happening, we had a little banter in local, with some more icecream to go with it all.
Sexy Carebear > Ice cream social hour anyone?
Phillips Helljumper > can i have good fight flavored?
Blodhgarm Dethahal >'s%20flavors%20good%20fight
Sexy Carebear > We had one last night while Blue-Fire insisted on shooting at things orbiting planets.
Phillips Helljumper > i to like to shoot things that dont shoot back =P said no pvp pilot ever
Sexy Carebear > ^
After waiting so long and playing form up games and coming so close to having an aneurysm, I just say fuck it and warp to our static. Everyone follows. The reason we chose our static as the place of engagement was two fold, 1) they can't just jump back into their home system to escape and 2) reinforcements (including capitals) will be delayed when arriving from their home system. It wasn't too long after we warped to the static that they came at us. 9-10 Proteus, a Jamgu, 5 Guardians, 2-3 Legions and 3 Lokis approximately.
After they landed we primaried DPS that landed first, and spread jams across all of the Guardians. With the amount of ECM we had, it was not hard to get successful jams. At one point we even had all of them jammed out. So in the meantime we force some of their DPS into low armor and jump into our static for safety, mostly Protei. After we lesson the amount of DPS on grid, we start going for their Guardians, popping three in quick order. This, more than anything, forced Lazerhawks to escalate to a Triage Archon for Logistics, so they could just ignore our ECM.
At this point we completely lost our shit. Most of us had limited capital PvP experience, so we probably went a bit overkill on what we brought next. Andoi drops his Jamgu for a Naglfar, Aladar goes for his Moros, 350 grabs his Naglfar as well. We also log in a Triage Archon as well, and I run for my Bhaalgorn. My Bhaalgorn gets back on grid first, and I start neuting out the Archon as best I can, despite being counter neuted and primaried and jammed. Andoi is the next one who lands on grid, and between the neut pressure from my Bhaalgorn and our two Neut Legions and Andoi's Naglfar, and finally Aladar's late Moros, the Archon submits.
Beowulf's Archon lands next, and just in time too as 2 out of 3 of our Guardians were jammed at the time, and he was able to give me the capacitor to keep neuting despite being counter neuted. While our FC directed subcapitals to go after their remaining two Guardians and some of their DPS, our Dreads (now with 350 on grid) turned their attention to a new object of interest: a Moros. As our neuting ships close in to start delivering our package, Aladar decides to be different and blap their newly arrived Bhaalgorn. With no enemy Logistics on grid anymore, there is no hope left for Lazerhawks. As the Moros goes down their subcapitals evacuate through our static.
Saavik Ambraelle > gf ecm blob
Beowulf Odunen > 2 ecm tengus
Beowulf Odunen > and a falcon
ksig cook > scorp?
ksig cook > gf
Blodhgarm Dethahal > gf
ksig cook > nevermind my rolling MWD that i didnt take off in the haste to get on grid :/
Ilaister > gfgf
Sexy Carebear > gf
Prophet Bathana > gf
Balor Digenise > gf
Galo Entie > gf
Blodhgarm Dethahal > god I'm shaking
Blodhgarm Dethahal > good fucking fight
Ilaister > sweaty palms much
Ilaister > Thanks for pew Lazer
Prophet Bathana > Thanks for pew gf
dekoram > wish we could have fought back more lol but thanks for forimng up :)
Ronnie Dobbs393 > damn. i almost got away haha
Galo Entie > :) gf man
Rick TheQuick > lol srry we're jerks :/
Ronnie Dobbs393 > let me go for it?
Galo Entie > we're not that nice
Ronnie Dobbs393 > haha
Ronnie Dobbs393 > o7
dekoram > can i whore on his pod?
Sivney Quincannon > Lol
Galo Entie > hahaha
Blodhgarm Dethahal > yeah sure
Alysa Liz > all finish on this pod
Blodhgarm Dethahal > someone got trigger happy
Blodhgarm Dethahal > :(
dekoram > :(
Blodhgarm Dethahal > that was a good icecream social
Just straight up: ECM won us that fight. With less ECM we couldn't have broken their Logistics, couldn't have forced them to escalate to capitals (thus allowing us to counter drop capitals). It may seem like a cheap tactic, but hey, it worked, and everyone who flew an EWar ship during that fight got a tag on Teamspeak. Damn good fight Lazerhawks, maybe we will be less worried next time at the thought of fighting a bigger entity.
Of course we end our day with a hilarious loss(es) latter.
So, we are all sitting there with a few billion in loot and a reduced static. We are wondering what to do next, when we remember that Blue-Fire is the occupant of our static and they will probably be logging on within an hour or two. So we just wait around and relax a bit as we see them trickle online,
We vastly underestimate their DPS though, and we remember too late that CCP had recently buffed small weapon damage in Wolf-Rayets, which is the type of system Blue-Fire lives in. This also includes Rapid Light Missile Launchers, which is what their Cerberus's were fit with. Each Cerberus was easily kicking 1200 DPS, more than enough to completely nuke anything we could throw at them.
Slightly frustrated, we decide to just roll the connection. We make a few passes with battleships, and then Prophet decides to step up with his Orca alt and say, "I'm 100% sure my Orca can make it."
Soundcloud of comms
That went well. That was pretty funny though.
Battle Report.
It was a damn good day. Nothing else to say.
Its late night, I'm squatting in the POS eating an icecream cone while the other three guys go huff on some C320 Gas in the static. Suddenly they start talking about probes on DScan, as well as an Interdictor and an Ishtar. They warp off home and we discover that Blue-Fire had rolled into us and are now our back door. What begins is quite a bit of banter back and forth in local.
Belgann > Hello?
Belgann > Anyone home?
Belgann > pvp?
Blodhgarm Dethahal > I'm eating icecream!
Belgann > Your add sucked by the way.
Blodhgarm Dethahal > ofc it did
Blodhgarm Dethahal > do you not even know us?
Hera Chawla > no actually that's the only reason I recognized your name
Belgann > Nope, just an observation.
Blodhgarm Dethahal > well we suck. just putting it out there
Blodhgarm Dethahal > brb eating icecreamSexy Carebear > You came at the wrong time; we always do ice cream happy hour from 04-08 on Saturdays.
Belgann > wow
Sexy Carebear > unless you guys want to eat ice cream with us?
Shaded Ruse Sukarala > would you like some?
Sexy Carebear > it's an alliance ritual
Belgann > how are you going to recruit people if you don't pvp
Belgann > spend all that time on an add..
Sexy Carebear > we do; just not during ice cream happy hour
Mighty Term > Anyone got more ice-cream?Blodhgarm Dethahal > I got some on my mic
dosthesaint > mmm ice cream
Shaded Ruse Sukarala > I dont know.. these guys seem to be a bunch of ice cream haters
Mighty Term > I don't think that's ice cream blood
Blodhgarm Dethahal > can't tell if masterbation joke or not
Blodhgarm Dethahal > besides.. its mint chip icecream
Neferiti > I think that came off your chin but it doesnt look like ice cream to me.......;)
Hera Chawla > heh, mintchip
Zlorthishen > lol
Blodhgarm Dethahal > you think mintchip icecream comes out of CCP Mintchip's tits?
Zlorthishen > she isn't in CCP anymore
Zlorthishen > dust ded
At this point I know they are bored and I am bored as well, so I grab an Enyo and see what I can make happen with their Worm, Ishtar and Onyx on their back door. I was hoping that I could draw the Worm out and kill it in a more or less 1v1, but I couldn't quite get tackle. He came within 11km of me but my scram only reached to 10km heated, if only I had links! I did manage to get out though, in 13% hull.
![]() |
Close! |
Blodhgarm Dethahal > gf
Sexy Carebear >
dosthesaint > gf
Blodhgarm Dethahal > gf
Blodhgarm Dethahal > so on that pic... whats the ratio of lipstick to icecream tasted
Blodhgarm Dethahal > honestly its so late here idk if we can give the fight you deserve tbhdosthesaint > we got guys headed to bed as well
Fellout > to be honest
Fellout > we just hate pocos
SoulRipper666 > they offend me
Sexy Carebear > no hard feels; we do too
Blodhgarm Dethahal > wait your bashing a POCO?
Fellout > >.>
Fellout > <.<
Sexy Carebear > we hate them so much we refuse to be on grid with them
Blodhgarm Dethahal > on a scale of one to your girlfriends how bored are you
Iris Sagitta > MFW no girlfriend
Blodhgarm Dethahal > damn
Blodhgarm Dethahal > should have guessed :P
Fellout > well, we were so terrible that 3 dictors couldn't catch your anathema scout
SoulRipper666 > >.<
Fellout > that we had no choice but to start shooting structures
Fellout > to sooth our rage
Hera Chawla > My girlfriends 10 hours away :/
I'm getting bored again, so I grab an Ishkur that is my CEO's, try to refit it a bit to work better for kiting, and head out. An Ishtar decided to rape my face with Curator drones though, so I had to bug out again.
Blodhgarm Dethahal > you guys have one?
Lakshata Chawla > I havea few in my pos
Lakshata Chawla > you should warp to it
SoulRipper666 > give him the wp
SoulRipper666 > pw*
Lakshata Chawla > c320
Zlorthishen > come to planet 6 poco and i'll drop you one
Lakshata Chawla > #320huffit
Blodhgarm Dethahal > so what goes in a mid slot with 26 CPU left
Blodhgarm Dethahal > I'm terrible plz halp
Iris Sagitta > eccm?
Fellout > sebo!
Iris Sagitta > what are you fitting?
Blodhgarm Dethahal > cap recharger it is!
SoulRipper666 > survey scanner
Iris Sagitta > \o/
Fellout > must be fitting a cap stable pve tengu
Shaded Ruse Sukarala > naw its a drake, even better
Blodhgarm Dethahal > gfgf
Lakshata Chawla > op success
Blodhgarm Dethahal > well.. I think I'm going to bed..
Fellout > op success
SoulRipper666 > \o/
Hera Chawla > us too
dosthesaint > we will be back for that poco
dosthesaint > o/
Blodhgarm Dethahal > good
Blodhgarm Dethahal > hopefully at a better time
Blodhgarm Dethahal > night.. cya around \o
And so we go to bed, after they had reinforced a POCO and nearly killed me twice. It would be an interesting day tomorrow though, with Blue-Fire involved again, as well as a few Lazers and Hawks.
I log in early next morning to discover Lazerhawks has replaced Blue-Fire as our backdoor, but Blue-Fire has moved from being our back door to our static. This is going to be a fun day. Lazerhawks currently has a 10-12 man gang on a back door null sec in our home. Lacking sufficient numbers to break their Logistics, we talk about bombing them and seeing if we can alpha through their Shield Ishtars before their two Scimitars can land repairs. Unfortunately, that plan is put on hold due to the simple fact that no one has any bombs, or even Bombers. A few people go out a Frigate Hole that leads to a C1 with a high sec connection to grab some Bombers. In the meantime, a few of us pull Lazerhawk's fur a bit, seeing if we can pop a separated Arazu before the rest of the fleet lands. That did not really work though.
Lazerhawks eventually gets bored of us, and retires back to their home system. Leaving us to continue scanning the static chain and have me keep an eye on the Hawks with an alt. We attempt to shotgun the null sec and see if we can grab some miners and ratters, unfortunately we had no luck at that. This left us to trying to fight Lazerhawks, in which we had minimal confidence of winning, but its the weekend, we had to get something big going. After nearly an hour of pinging for people to wake up, we get approximately 18 guys online (real people). Lets see what we can make happen.
The first 45 minutes or so are form up games. Lazerhawks has Shield Ishtars fitted up for kiting. We form up similar as best we can, but we don't fly shield often, and a lot of people lost shield ships last Sunday. After we form up Shield Kite they form up Shield brawl with HAMgus (or maybe Railgus, I did not look at the fit with my alt very closely). We decide to counter with our classic Kitchen Sink Armor Brawl doctrine. Bring everything, is it armor? bring it. Lazerhawks form up Armor Brawl as well, but with all T3s have 5 Guardians. We have three Guardian for Logistics, and a Falcon, 2 Jamgus, a Scorpion, knowing that we would have to neutralize their Logistic advantage to win. As for our DPS wing, well, as one Redditor said, "Jesus, you threw the entire kitchen at them." We have Blaster Proteus, Rail Proteus, Damnation, Navy Armageddon, Gnosis (which switched to Navy Vexor halfway through), Sacrilege, Muninn, everything that anyone could bring. In the meantime as this was happening, we had a little banter in local, with some more icecream to go with it all.
Sexy Carebear > Ice cream social hour anyone?
Phillips Helljumper > can i have good fight flavored?
Blodhgarm Dethahal >'s%20flavors%20good%20fight
Sexy Carebear > We had one last night while Blue-Fire insisted on shooting at things orbiting planets.
Phillips Helljumper > i to like to shoot things that dont shoot back =P said no pvp pilot ever
Sexy Carebear > ^
After waiting so long and playing form up games and coming so close to having an aneurysm, I just say fuck it and warp to our static. Everyone follows. The reason we chose our static as the place of engagement was two fold, 1) they can't just jump back into their home system to escape and 2) reinforcements (including capitals) will be delayed when arriving from their home system. It wasn't too long after we warped to the static that they came at us. 9-10 Proteus, a Jamgu, 5 Guardians, 2-3 Legions and 3 Lokis approximately.
After they landed we primaried DPS that landed first, and spread jams across all of the Guardians. With the amount of ECM we had, it was not hard to get successful jams. At one point we even had all of them jammed out. So in the meantime we force some of their DPS into low armor and jump into our static for safety, mostly Protei. After we lesson the amount of DPS on grid, we start going for their Guardians, popping three in quick order. This, more than anything, forced Lazerhawks to escalate to a Triage Archon for Logistics, so they could just ignore our ECM.
At this point we completely lost our shit. Most of us had limited capital PvP experience, so we probably went a bit overkill on what we brought next. Andoi drops his Jamgu for a Naglfar, Aladar goes for his Moros, 350 grabs his Naglfar as well. We also log in a Triage Archon as well, and I run for my Bhaalgorn. My Bhaalgorn gets back on grid first, and I start neuting out the Archon as best I can, despite being counter neuted and primaried and jammed. Andoi is the next one who lands on grid, and between the neut pressure from my Bhaalgorn and our two Neut Legions and Andoi's Naglfar, and finally Aladar's late Moros, the Archon submits.
Beowulf's Archon lands next, and just in time too as 2 out of 3 of our Guardians were jammed at the time, and he was able to give me the capacitor to keep neuting despite being counter neuted. While our FC directed subcapitals to go after their remaining two Guardians and some of their DPS, our Dreads (now with 350 on grid) turned their attention to a new object of interest: a Moros. As our neuting ships close in to start delivering our package, Aladar decides to be different and blap their newly arrived Bhaalgorn. With no enemy Logistics on grid anymore, there is no hope left for Lazerhawks. As the Moros goes down their subcapitals evacuate through our static.
Saavik Ambraelle > gf ecm blob
Beowulf Odunen > 2 ecm tengus
Beowulf Odunen > and a falcon
ksig cook > scorp?
ksig cook > gf
Blodhgarm Dethahal > gf
ksig cook > nevermind my rolling MWD that i didnt take off in the haste to get on grid :/
Ilaister > gfgf
Sexy Carebear > gf
Prophet Bathana > gf
Balor Digenise > gf
Galo Entie > gf
Blodhgarm Dethahal > god I'm shaking
Blodhgarm Dethahal > good fucking fight
Ilaister > sweaty palms much
Ilaister > Thanks for pew Lazer
Prophet Bathana > Thanks for pew gf
dekoram > wish we could have fought back more lol but thanks for forimng up :)
Ronnie Dobbs393 > damn. i almost got away haha
Galo Entie > :) gf man
Rick TheQuick > lol srry we're jerks :/
Ronnie Dobbs393 > let me go for it?
Galo Entie > we're not that nice
Ronnie Dobbs393 > haha
Ronnie Dobbs393 > o7
dekoram > can i whore on his pod?
Sivney Quincannon > Lol
Galo Entie > hahaha
Blodhgarm Dethahal > yeah sure
Alysa Liz > all finish on this pod
Blodhgarm Dethahal > someone got trigger happy
Blodhgarm Dethahal > :(
dekoram > :(
Blodhgarm Dethahal > that was a good icecream social
Just straight up: ECM won us that fight. With less ECM we couldn't have broken their Logistics, couldn't have forced them to escalate to capitals (thus allowing us to counter drop capitals). It may seem like a cheap tactic, but hey, it worked, and everyone who flew an EWar ship during that fight got a tag on Teamspeak. Damn good fight Lazerhawks, maybe we will be less worried next time at the thought of fighting a bigger entity.
Of course we end our day with a hilarious loss(es) latter.
So, we are all sitting there with a few billion in loot and a reduced static. We are wondering what to do next, when we remember that Blue-Fire is the occupant of our static and they will probably be logging on within an hour or two. So we just wait around and relax a bit as we see them trickle online,
We vastly underestimate their DPS though, and we remember too late that CCP had recently buffed small weapon damage in Wolf-Rayets, which is the type of system Blue-Fire lives in. This also includes Rapid Light Missile Launchers, which is what their Cerberus's were fit with. Each Cerberus was easily kicking 1200 DPS, more than enough to completely nuke anything we could throw at them.
Slightly frustrated, we decide to just roll the connection. We make a few passes with battleships, and then Prophet decides to step up with his Orca alt and say, "I'm 100% sure my Orca can make it."
Soundcloud of comms
That went well. That was pretty funny though.
Battle Report.
It was a damn good day. Nothing else to say.
AAR: The Dedication of Content Creators - Part 2
Shaded Ruse Sukarala is already an owner of the Content Creator tag, back when TSED lived in a C5 with C4 static. This is mostly thanks to the numerous kills he found (usually Marauders) when scouting. He still had his magic touch though, this time not finding Marauders, but finding battleships bashing an offline POS. Not only that, but we had been itching to close the chain for hours, the only thing keeping it open was people hauling supplies through a near by high exit. Despite with the threat of rolling, he scouted anyway, made a loop in the chain ( no screen shots :( ) and found these people bashing a dead stick.
We form up six guys in mixed DPS and form up. Even despite Shaded disconnecting, his good luck kept the targets there even when his scout decloaked during the disconnect. Aladar jumps in shortly after Shaded reconnects and bubbles them, with the rest of us close behind.
Aladar pops but holds the rest of them there with his bubble as we land, and so the killing begins. We quickly wipe an Oracle and Navy Vexor off the field but the Navy Dominix is MWDing out of the bubble. I burn as fast as possible to land scram to stop him, and I manage it, so we start wearing him down. As he hits half armor though a Stratios decides to decloak and attempt to save him, slightly helping killing one of our Proteus. Not a smart choice overall though; damn that was expensive. Although not as bad as the Navy Dominix we finish shortly after that.
After that it was just clean up duty. Nice little brawl, and thanks to Shaded for staying dedicated and scouting.
We form up six guys in mixed DPS and form up. Even despite Shaded disconnecting, his good luck kept the targets there even when his scout decloaked during the disconnect. Aladar jumps in shortly after Shaded reconnects and bubbles them, with the rest of us close behind.
Aladar pops but holds the rest of them there with his bubble as we land, and so the killing begins. We quickly wipe an Oracle and Navy Vexor off the field but the Navy Dominix is MWDing out of the bubble. I burn as fast as possible to land scram to stop him, and I manage it, so we start wearing him down. As he hits half armor though a Stratios decides to decloak and attempt to save him, slightly helping killing one of our Proteus. Not a smart choice overall though; damn that was expensive. Although not as bad as the Navy Dominix we finish shortly after that.
After that it was just clean up duty. Nice little brawl, and thanks to Shaded for staying dedicated and scouting.
Saturday, September 13, 2014
AAR: The Dedication of Content Creators - Part 1
Every group in Eve Online has that one group of people that always are out looking for some form of content, usually in the form of PvP. For Protean Concept, we make it our little game to reward such people with tags on our Teamspeak.
Of course you can always sing for a tag if you wish, but sadly that rarely happens. For the majority of people, they earn their tags through a variety of means: training, a special event, or having a cat or dog make noise in the background. For the Content Creator tag you have to be either 1) dedicated to constantly scouting or 2) get a spectacular kill after hours of waiting for something to happen.
And that brings us to the first fight. Recently in the Hyperion expansion, CCP decided to introduce Frigate and Destroyer only wormholes, only allowing them (or Heavy Interdictors with bubble up) to jump. Well, Pyo from TFP was poking around when everyone else was debating of rolling or making ISK in the static, but he is out there scanning in even an unlikely place: a C5 through a Frigate Hole. What he finds definitely peaks our interest though: four Dominixes rolling connections.
Despite the Frigate Hole being a slight nuisance, we grab as many Frigates and Destroyers as possible, and burn. A short while latter, three out of four are dead, with one escaping to cloak in the null that they were currently rolling.
Its a good find, and if Pyo keeps it up he may yet get a tag.
Latter on that day was something much more interesting and instantly earned Illaister his Content Creator tag. So earlier on that day (or maybe the night before, I am not sure as I was not online at the time) Illaister had found some POCOs that were reinforced in a C3 and due to come out in the evening. So he puts a scouting alt in, logs it off, and waits.
Around one o'clock Eve Time shit goes from quiet to explosive: the bashers are using a Moros to kill POCOs, in a C3. We form up as best we can and move the 15 jumps over from our exit to their entrance. A slight hiccup occurs though when I forget I am at -2.5 security status and I nearly loose my Bhaalgorn to Faction Police. I trade ships with Illaister to get the Bhaalgorn to the target system, and then we sit back and wait, as they appeared to have been spooked by probes in their system that appeared not to be theirs.
After a little waiting, they bring the Moros back out again. Despite the fact that their was a Broadsword on the high sec connection, it was not hard to land tackle on a stuck in place Dreadnought due to Siege. So that is one dead Moros, as well as a Scorpion and a Hyperion.
We wait a bit for a hauler to come collect the capital guns and repairer, the guns get out safely, but as he comes back for the repairer, the previous Moros pilot comes back in a bomber and pops our hauler. At the cost of said bomber and pod, of course. Good try though.
And so that is the story of how Illaister earned his Content Creator tag, being dedicated enough to keep an eye on that system nearly all day, just to get a few battleship kills as was expected, but instead getting a Moros kill. Well earned.
Tomorrow gets the return of an old favorite, this time a member from TSED, known for his relentless hunting of Marauders back when TSED lived in a C5 with C4 static.
![]() |
All of our Teamspeak Tags to-date |
Of course you can always sing for a tag if you wish, but sadly that rarely happens. For the majority of people, they earn their tags through a variety of means: training, a special event, or having a cat or dog make noise in the background. For the Content Creator tag you have to be either 1) dedicated to constantly scouting or 2) get a spectacular kill after hours of waiting for something to happen.
And that brings us to the first fight. Recently in the Hyperion expansion, CCP decided to introduce Frigate and Destroyer only wormholes, only allowing them (or Heavy Interdictors with bubble up) to jump. Well, Pyo from TFP was poking around when everyone else was debating of rolling or making ISK in the static, but he is out there scanning in even an unlikely place: a C5 through a Frigate Hole. What he finds definitely peaks our interest though: four Dominixes rolling connections.
Despite the Frigate Hole being a slight nuisance, we grab as many Frigates and Destroyers as possible, and burn. A short while latter, three out of four are dead, with one escaping to cloak in the null that they were currently rolling.
Its a good find, and if Pyo keeps it up he may yet get a tag.
Latter on that day was something much more interesting and instantly earned Illaister his Content Creator tag. So earlier on that day (or maybe the night before, I am not sure as I was not online at the time) Illaister had found some POCOs that were reinforced in a C3 and due to come out in the evening. So he puts a scouting alt in, logs it off, and waits.
Around one o'clock Eve Time shit goes from quiet to explosive: the bashers are using a Moros to kill POCOs, in a C3. We form up as best we can and move the 15 jumps over from our exit to their entrance. A slight hiccup occurs though when I forget I am at -2.5 security status and I nearly loose my Bhaalgorn to Faction Police. I trade ships with Illaister to get the Bhaalgorn to the target system, and then we sit back and wait, as they appeared to have been spooked by probes in their system that appeared not to be theirs.
After a little waiting, they bring the Moros back out again. Despite the fact that their was a Broadsword on the high sec connection, it was not hard to land tackle on a stuck in place Dreadnought due to Siege. So that is one dead Moros, as well as a Scorpion and a Hyperion.
![]() |
I like the new wrecks CCP added. |
We wait a bit for a hauler to come collect the capital guns and repairer, the guns get out safely, but as he comes back for the repairer, the previous Moros pilot comes back in a bomber and pops our hauler. At the cost of said bomber and pod, of course. Good try though.
And so that is the story of how Illaister earned his Content Creator tag, being dedicated enough to keep an eye on that system nearly all day, just to get a few battleship kills as was expected, but instead getting a Moros kill. Well earned.
Tomorrow gets the return of an old favorite, this time a member from TSED, known for his relentless hunting of Marauders back when TSED lived in a C5 with C4 static.
Thursday, September 11, 2014
AAR: Punching People In the Face Repeatedly is Fun
So, simple day in the beginning, decent high sec exit down the chain, mildly interesting backdoor low sec. Looks alright, except for the occupants of our static: SnaiLs aNd FroGs along with AdAstra and Gate Is Red. Lets just call them SAG.
So, SAG lives in a Pulsar, meaning we got to go with shield ships. Finally the perfect time to use my alt's Scimitar! Pretty basic fleet we form up: 2 Scimitars for Logistics, a 100mn Tengu to get their attention, a Shield Stratios (yeah..) as a scout, two Shield Ishtars, and a Malediction. Andoi goes in with his Tengu and lands about 70km off a small group of them camping their static. We come in, and both fleets start dancing around each other and kiting. Its a deadly dance, if one guy gets caught out of rep range hes dead, if someone gets webbed so they can't keep their distance they are dead. Multiple times long range neuts from their Curse neuted me out in my Scimitar, but thanks to the Pulsar's bonus to capacitor, I swear, I was regenerating like 10% of my capacitor per second. It was a drawn out fight, dragging it on nearly 300km from the wormhole, but it amounted to nothing, and SAG warped off, and as they did, so did we back home to ping for more bodies and form up better. Only kills were two interceptors in exchange for one of our own interceptors.
We ping, we get formed up slightly better this time: still two Scimitars but with four Shieldtars, two Gilas, a Curse, an Eagle, a Huginn, and a Sleipnir. We have a few enemy Ishtars in our home, but they quickly jump back and burn approximately 50km off the hole in our static (their home). After a little magic and some swearing, we get a good warp in spot on top of them. And so the fight begins.
Summary from video description: We also expected them to bring reinforcements, just not quite as many as they did. It was fun nonetheless. When we were warping off, we somehow thought they had a Chimera trying to close our hole. Thus, we freaked and tried to rush back in. Never was there ever a Chimera [there was, just on DScan though and our imaginations went wild it seemed]. I was dualboxing a bomber and my Ishtar once our primary fleet warped off the first grid. This, and a warp derp by a fellow ADAPT member [totally wasn't me], may be part of the reason that I now have this killmail [it was me]. - Galo Entie.
Reminds me, I should replace the rest of those implants when I have the ISK. Shame I am perpetually broke.
Battle Report, Static Side.
Battle Report, Home Side.
Was good fun. Good fight SAG.
Six hours latter after that fight, we take a greater interest in our back door low sec as the locals seem to be out and about. I'm not too interested at the time and take a quick shower, when I come back though we are in full war mode "I'm bringing my Kador Edition Abaddon, or maybe my Navy Armageddon" "I'm bringing my Vargur" "Bringing two T3s" "Two Guardians as Logi should be fine"
Shit... got... real...
Not exactly knowing what kind of shit got real other than the low sec inhabitants knew the entrance to our system, I grab a Blaster Proteus and throw my alt into his Archon and station it on our home side of the hole as back up if we have to retreat. We go in, and so the relentless punching begins.
First thing we notice is two Rattlesnakes at 50km from the hole, but we know it would be a long road to get out there, and why would we do that when there are plenty of targets in range anyway? Boom, dead Scythe, dead Cynabal, dead Cyclone, Scythe Fleet Issue, another Cyclone, a Megathron, Raptor. Oh you came back in a Navy Omen? Dead.
Cyno goes up 50km away, an Archon and Nidhoggur come in. We are just sitting there thinking, well, that is that then, but we decide to stick around anyway because they were still lacking DPS to crack our Guardian pair effectively. But either this Carriers were DPS fit, which is a hilarious thought to think about, or they did not have the skills to have their remote repairs reach 50km, as a good half of their fleet was doing: brawling us. Boom, dead Proteus (hey, I know that pilot, didn't we kill his Cynabal), boom, dead Gnosis (oh yeah that Megathron pilot). Oops, lost our Jamgu due to multiboxing. Boom, dead Raptor. Is that Machariel trying to bump us off the wormhole? Better stop that. BOOM HEADSHOT, (dammit Galo, had to come back in a bomber to whore, after getting both your battleships into hull). Another exploded ship, this time a Navy Hurricane, curtsy of COnan O'Brien (seriously dude, that's the third time, stop letting us punch you in the face repeatedly). Boom, dead Crow, Boom, dead Vexor.
And I guess the Machariel pilot got really butthurt or something since he came back in Naglfar. He gets one glancing blow on one of our Guardians that was in low armor (but holding) and pushes it into hull. It wasn't long after that he exploded. Now with the Guardian chain at last broken, we escape through our wormhole, pushing it verge.
Now this is one of those fights where I can't tell if it was us that were good, or they were just bad. They should have held the field EASILY with two carriers on grid, but hell, I'm not complaining. Its just a shame we didn't have a third Guardian around, otherwise we could have pushed outward towards the carriers and possibly kill them. We should have probably pinged, but once we were in the fight, damn we were in it.
Battle Report.
Good fight!
So, SAG lives in a Pulsar, meaning we got to go with shield ships. Finally the perfect time to use my alt's Scimitar! Pretty basic fleet we form up: 2 Scimitars for Logistics, a 100mn Tengu to get their attention, a Shield Stratios (yeah..) as a scout, two Shield Ishtars, and a Malediction. Andoi goes in with his Tengu and lands about 70km off a small group of them camping their static. We come in, and both fleets start dancing around each other and kiting. Its a deadly dance, if one guy gets caught out of rep range hes dead, if someone gets webbed so they can't keep their distance they are dead. Multiple times long range neuts from their Curse neuted me out in my Scimitar, but thanks to the Pulsar's bonus to capacitor, I swear, I was regenerating like 10% of my capacitor per second. It was a drawn out fight, dragging it on nearly 300km from the wormhole, but it amounted to nothing, and SAG warped off, and as they did, so did we back home to ping for more bodies and form up better. Only kills were two interceptors in exchange for one of our own interceptors.
We ping, we get formed up slightly better this time: still two Scimitars but with four Shieldtars, two Gilas, a Curse, an Eagle, a Huginn, and a Sleipnir. We have a few enemy Ishtars in our home, but they quickly jump back and burn approximately 50km off the hole in our static (their home). After a little magic and some swearing, we get a good warp in spot on top of them. And so the fight begins.
Summary from video description: We also expected them to bring reinforcements, just not quite as many as they did. It was fun nonetheless. When we were warping off, we somehow thought they had a Chimera trying to close our hole. Thus, we freaked and tried to rush back in. Never was there ever a Chimera [there was, just on DScan though and our imaginations went wild it seemed]. I was dualboxing a bomber and my Ishtar once our primary fleet warped off the first grid. This, and a warp derp by a fellow ADAPT member [totally wasn't me], may be part of the reason that I now have this killmail [it was me]. - Galo Entie.
Reminds me, I should replace the rest of those implants when I have the ISK. Shame I am perpetually broke.
Battle Report, Static Side.
Battle Report, Home Side.
Was good fun. Good fight SAG.
Six hours latter after that fight, we take a greater interest in our back door low sec as the locals seem to be out and about. I'm not too interested at the time and take a quick shower, when I come back though we are in full war mode "I'm bringing my Kador Edition Abaddon, or maybe my Navy Armageddon" "I'm bringing my Vargur" "Bringing two T3s" "Two Guardians as Logi should be fine"
Shit... got... real...
Not exactly knowing what kind of shit got real other than the low sec inhabitants knew the entrance to our system, I grab a Blaster Proteus and throw my alt into his Archon and station it on our home side of the hole as back up if we have to retreat. We go in, and so the relentless punching begins.
First thing we notice is two Rattlesnakes at 50km from the hole, but we know it would be a long road to get out there, and why would we do that when there are plenty of targets in range anyway? Boom, dead Scythe, dead Cynabal, dead Cyclone, Scythe Fleet Issue, another Cyclone, a Megathron, Raptor. Oh you came back in a Navy Omen? Dead.
Cyno goes up 50km away, an Archon and Nidhoggur come in. We are just sitting there thinking, well, that is that then, but we decide to stick around anyway because they were still lacking DPS to crack our Guardian pair effectively. But either this Carriers were DPS fit, which is a hilarious thought to think about, or they did not have the skills to have their remote repairs reach 50km, as a good half of their fleet was doing: brawling us. Boom, dead Proteus (hey, I know that pilot, didn't we kill his Cynabal), boom, dead Gnosis (oh yeah that Megathron pilot). Oops, lost our Jamgu due to multiboxing. Boom, dead Raptor. Is that Machariel trying to bump us off the wormhole? Better stop that. BOOM HEADSHOT, (dammit Galo, had to come back in a bomber to whore, after getting both your battleships into hull). Another exploded ship, this time a Navy Hurricane, curtsy of COnan O'Brien (seriously dude, that's the third time, stop letting us punch you in the face repeatedly). Boom, dead Crow, Boom, dead Vexor.
And I guess the Machariel pilot got really butthurt or something since he came back in Naglfar. He gets one glancing blow on one of our Guardians that was in low armor (but holding) and pushes it into hull. It wasn't long after that he exploded. Now with the Guardian chain at last broken, we escape through our wormhole, pushing it verge.
Now this is one of those fights where I can't tell if it was us that were good, or they were just bad. They should have held the field EASILY with two carriers on grid, but hell, I'm not complaining. Its just a shame we didn't have a third Guardian around, otherwise we could have pushed outward towards the carriers and possibly kill them. We should have probably pinged, but once we were in the fight, damn we were in it.
Battle Report.
Good fight!
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
AAR: Building Relations
So after a few dead chains we finally strike a good one with a high exit two jumps from Jita in our static. While people load their fat haulers back and forth we have others out and about looking for a brawl with someone. We think we find that as well in a C5 down 4 jumps from our home, owned by Ocularis Inferno. After a little sniffing around and them sniffing back, we end up with two Guardians plus DPS (mostly in the form of our Rail Proteus). We push forward with just four guys at first: me in a blaster Proteus, Tard in a Navy Brutix, Andoi in a Navy Harbinger, and Doonka in a Navy Cane. We keep the main fleet two back from Inferno's home.
At the time we were moving out, they had a Loki sitting on the hole with some interceptors. We land, Loki jumps back into his home, we follow. We are able to nab tackle on the Loki and start chewing through its armor, but as we are doing that, an Inferno Sabre thinks its a good idea to bubble the hole, sealing his own fate, and the Loki's. Plus both their pods. We also snag a Crusader somehow.
We squat for a minute or two, until two Stratios come back from where we came and try to fight our little four man hit squad. A neut Legion also lands and to try to help, but they all eventually disengage, with the Stratios warping off home and the Legion jumping through the wormhole and cloaking to escape. With one of us heavily damaged, and the possibility of a Falcon coming, I exchange Andoi for Shiftn in a Rail Proteus. While that happens the Legion jumps back into his home and escapes back to his POS.
We squat, once again, for a minute or two then they come at us head on with double Guardian and triple Legion with some misc DPS as well. We meet them head on as well, and flatten them, with two killed Guardians and two killed Legions. We did; however, outnumber them by a fair margin, so you wouldn't necessarily call it a 'fair fight' but it was still a good fight.
After the fight, we strike up a small conversation with their diplo/FC Vertnormalia and he asks if we want to do a joint op out of their back door null sec into Goonswarm space. We decline for now, but state if they do find something interesting, we can come.
They stir up trouble maybe an hour after the fight we got with them, and we come with the best kitchen sink fleet we could muster: Interdictors, HACs, Interceptors, Assault Frigates, Faction Cruisers, an Armageddon, everything we could. Turned out in the end to be mildly dull though, with the only kill being a Daredevil. The rest of the time was us trying to get good warp-ins on top of their sniping Eagles at 100-200km from the hole, which we quickly turned tired of.
Thankfully, Goons know how to spice things up, so they start ratting with an Archon. Now, we know its bait, there is no way it is not. We are one jump from VFK and there is no way the Archon pilot has not seen us shitting up local. So we know it is bait, but we still want to shoot it. So whats a cost effective way to shoot a Carrier and maybe kill it if it really wasn't bait?
And that sums up that night and op very well, us kicking someone's ass then teaming up with them to do stupid shit in null with no grudges. Good fun.
At the time we were moving out, they had a Loki sitting on the hole with some interceptors. We land, Loki jumps back into his home, we follow. We are able to nab tackle on the Loki and start chewing through its armor, but as we are doing that, an Inferno Sabre thinks its a good idea to bubble the hole, sealing his own fate, and the Loki's. Plus both their pods. We also snag a Crusader somehow.
We squat for a minute or two, until two Stratios come back from where we came and try to fight our little four man hit squad. A neut Legion also lands and to try to help, but they all eventually disengage, with the Stratios warping off home and the Legion jumping through the wormhole and cloaking to escape. With one of us heavily damaged, and the possibility of a Falcon coming, I exchange Andoi for Shiftn in a Rail Proteus. While that happens the Legion jumps back into his home and escapes back to his POS.
We squat, once again, for a minute or two then they come at us head on with double Guardian and triple Legion with some misc DPS as well. We meet them head on as well, and flatten them, with two killed Guardians and two killed Legions. We did; however, outnumber them by a fair margin, so you wouldn't necessarily call it a 'fair fight' but it was still a good fight.
After the fight, we strike up a small conversation with their diplo/FC Vertnormalia and he asks if we want to do a joint op out of their back door null sec into Goonswarm space. We decline for now, but state if they do find something interesting, we can come.
They stir up trouble maybe an hour after the fight we got with them, and we come with the best kitchen sink fleet we could muster: Interdictors, HACs, Interceptors, Assault Frigates, Faction Cruisers, an Armageddon, everything we could. Turned out in the end to be mildly dull though, with the only kill being a Daredevil. The rest of the time was us trying to get good warp-ins on top of their sniping Eagles at 100-200km from the hole, which we quickly turned tired of.
Thankfully, Goons know how to spice things up, so they start ratting with an Archon. Now, we know its bait, there is no way it is not. We are one jump from VFK and there is no way the Archon pilot has not seen us shitting up local. So we know it is bait, but we still want to shoot it. So whats a cost effective way to shoot a Carrier and maybe kill it if it really wasn't bait?
And that sums up that night and op very well, us kicking someone's ass then teaming up with them to do stupid shit in null with no grudges. Good fun.
Sunday, September 7, 2014
AAR: Throwing Punches
You get those fights that are complete wipes, you get those that are damn near even, you get long ones, short ones, epic ones, stale ones, then you get skirmishes. Two groups playing cat and mouse around each other, with which team being what changing constantly. Baiting and counter baiting, trying to lure each other into an explosive but quick confrontation and then going back to the teams stalking around each other.
One of us calls out that hes found a Legion down our backdoor chain that is running C2 sites. Well, that's a call to action, and we get a two Proteus, Eris, and Talos heading down. Eris jumps in, but unfortunately misses the tackle on the Legion, but the would be gankee has friends and quickly responds with two Interceptors and a Sabre. We lose the Eris, but he in turn kills the Sabre. ISK positive!
We sit around a bit, jump in and burn off the hole see if we can provoke a reaction, more sitting around. Pretty dull until we notice a Prophecy appear on DScan and we figure out its in the site trying to salvage what the Legion has left behind. We warp in, I land tackle, but it was warp core stabbed and it slips away. Soon enough we have a better fight on hand: two Proteus and two Lokis land. We shoot up one of the Lokis before a Falcon could decloak and jam us out. We lose a Talos in the process but with more people landing we decide to bail, with our second Proteus getting caught while extracting.
So we bloody eachother's noses, and we both go home happy, good fight.
One of us calls out that hes found a Legion down our backdoor chain that is running C2 sites. Well, that's a call to action, and we get a two Proteus, Eris, and Talos heading down. Eris jumps in, but unfortunately misses the tackle on the Legion, but the would be gankee has friends and quickly responds with two Interceptors and a Sabre. We lose the Eris, but he in turn kills the Sabre. ISK positive!
We sit around a bit, jump in and burn off the hole see if we can provoke a reaction, more sitting around. Pretty dull until we notice a Prophecy appear on DScan and we figure out its in the site trying to salvage what the Legion has left behind. We warp in, I land tackle, but it was warp core stabbed and it slips away. Soon enough we have a better fight on hand: two Proteus and two Lokis land. We shoot up one of the Lokis before a Falcon could decloak and jam us out. We lose a Talos in the process but with more people landing we decide to bail, with our second Proteus getting caught while extracting.
So we bloody eachother's noses, and we both go home happy, good fight.
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