Tuesday, September 23, 2014

AAR: Thou Shalt Brutally Murder

Been a delay in posts due to being busy, some of the next posts happened several weeks ago.

So I log in to be greeted by a small fleet of ours getting ready to storm into our backdoor C5 connection to Thou Shalt Not Kill. TSNK had an approximate 10 man mixed armor DPS gang with no Logistics in sight. We had an approximate 15 man gang with two Guardians in tow for Logistics in comparison. Even as we formed up, warped to hole, and jumped, they held their ground, which led us to suspect a trap. I mean, who takes a 10 man gang into a 50% bigger force that also has Logistics. We knew something was up, but we were vastly under prepared for how much they brought just for us.

As we jump into them, our Onyx (probably a bad choice for a Hictor in this case, with the armor Logistics and all) gets almost volleyed off the field. In the meantime though, the majority of their fleet jumped the hole into our home system, where we had just come from (except for that one Stabber Fleet). This meant that to follow them would mean that we are polarized and they would not be, thus they would be free to escape. So instead of following we decide to camp them and keep them in our home system. This is when the trap was sprung.

Lots of ships began appearing on DScan, T3 DPS mostly, with two Bhaalgorns and an Archon mixed in. To escape we are forced to jump back into our home system, where we are now polarized, and instantly tackled by the waiting 10 man initial group. The end result was a devastating slaughter of about 5 billion ISK. It was a brilliantly executed trap and well planned.

There was a silver lining to it all though: our newest recruit was trapped in TSNK's system with his Rail Proteus and was bouncing from safe spot to safe spot to avoid combat probes. Eventually he was caught, but not before killing two Covert Ops, an Interceptor, and a Sabre before his eventual, but spectacular, death. Our hero ♥.

Good trap TSNK, but you should probably watch your little guys better :)


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