Wednesday, April 15, 2015

AAR: More Meat to the Grinder

When in a fight it is important to fully process the information being thrown at you, and not be overwhelmed by it. Do not panic, do not overreact, do not jump to conclusions, do not needlessly throw away ships. However, that being said, it is hard to not overreact or not get excited when a Carrier lands on grid with your three guys.

Let us back up a bit first though. It was Ilaister, Guirdarr, and myself online on a lazy Monday afternoon. There was some solid null secs in the chain, so we were going to do some Black Ops (which we have been having some mild success with) after we eat and take care of some real life stuff. Ilaister and I are back, still waiting on Guirdarr when we notice there is a new signature in the static. After a quick probe, and a failed attempt at catching an Astero, they come back in force, catching Ilaister off guard with a Rapid Light Cerberus in the home hole, using our favorite home defense weapon against us. We reform up with kiting shield Ishtars and proceed to harass them away from our home, with the help of a newly arrived Guirdarr. We manage to push them all the way back to their home hole: a C5 Cataclysmic effect. We chase, as any respectable PvP group does when you have someone on the run, but it takes us headlong into a Nidhoggur. Now, I don't know how others feel about this, but I think dropping a Triage Carrier on three guys is extreme, to put it mildly, especially since a single Logistics Cruiser would have been more than enough to tank our DPS thanks to the system's effect. We are forced to jump out, after we loose a Gila that was caught off the hole.

Now it was us on the run, being chased all the way back into our home system by a Pilgrim, two Proteus, and a Tengu. Guirdarr holds in the junction system between our two home systems to keep them occupied while we wake a few people up and get a few more warm bodies on grid. We also send a ping to Absolute Damage Inc, with the hope we could take on a Carrier together once we clean this mess up. Eventually, we are able to get a Proteus, a 1.29 billion ISK Tengu, and a newly arrived Ishtar polarized and killed in the junction system, just as Absolute Damage show up. Together we once again push them back into their home system, and keep tackle on the Nidhoggur that was still there, with the help of my alt refitted into a Scimitar.

We tend to be a stubborn bunch when it comes to capitals, welping a staggering 4 billion ISK just to maintain tackle on two Carriers and a Dread over a year ago. So, once the Phoenix landed and started alpha'ing Drakes and Tempests, we naturally just threw more at them to keep their attention while another group caught up to help as well. We lost about two billion ISK before we finally settled into a stable position. That is when they escalated yet again, with another Dreadnought, this time a Naglfar at 50km from our fleet. We take a long spiral inwards towards the Naglfar and get into orbit around it, only loosing a Legion to Dread blapping as we moved in. We whittle his capacitor and tank down slowly, but we didn't have enough DPS to kill it before he exited Siege, and started receiving repairs from the Nidhoggur. He was just entering hull.

It was shortly after this when the Phoenix, which had been posing little threat to our small Cruiser based fleet, suddenly became relevant again, blasting two Curses off the field with a single volley each. That is when we decided to call it and extract, fleeing down the the new chain, (for the one we came from had collapsed during the fight) with nothing to show for our efforts. It was a good fight, but one that left a bitter taste in our mouths, and not just because we lost a total of nearly 3.5 billion total, but we brought friends along with us, and we don't like disappointing friends with a welp and no good kills.

In truth, we should have held back and reorganized before going into the C5, instead of throwing ISK blindly at them to maintain tackle by the skin of our teeth. We saw an opportunity but failed to capitalize on it, which was unfortunate. Regardless, a fight is still a fight, win or loose, and it was a fun fight. That is what we play the game for after all: to have fun.


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